Are you going on vacation soon and nervous about flying with your kids? As a mom myself, trust me, I get it! That’s why I wrote this guide! I tell you everything you need to know about flying with kids so you can start relaxing and enjoying your trip, worry-free, right from the start.
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Traveling is one of my favorite things in the entire world, but I also know how stressful it can be. Between the planning, the packing, the implementing, and the vacation itself, it’s enough to make your head spin.
The fear of adding children into the mix is enough to make some folks opt to only take family vacations within driving distance. But with these tried and true tips, you’ll be a pro at flying with kids!
Is Flying With Kids Really That Bad?
If you ask me, my answer is absolutely not. My husband and I have taken both our kids on countless flights over the years.
Do things always go perfect? Of course not. You’ll have moments where they all of a sudden have to pee RIGHT NOW but the seatbelt sign is on. Or their ears hurt from takeoff or landing.
But the vast majority of the time, the flight is going to be just fine.
The first time I flew with my daughter she was 11 months old. We flew United (ugh, my least favorite airline) from Boston to Fairbanks, Alaska and back, with one stop in Denver each way.
Our stop in Denver on the way to Alaska was supposed to be a quick hour or two, but delay after delay after delay eventually turned it into an absolute nightmare. We wound up staying overnight in the airport laying on a cot, desperately trying to figure out where to get more diapers.
Needless to say, that vacation didn’t start off ideally.
That trip was easily the worst flight experience that I’ve ever had, and yet I’ve flown with my kids dozens of times since then.
As long as you make some basic preparations, there’s really no need to stress about bringing your kids on a flight.
So without further ado, here are my best tips for flying with kids, broken down into what to do before your vacation, in the airport, on the flight, and during your trip.
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Tips For Before You Fly With Kids
1. Fly Nonstop
Whenever possible, I strongly recommend flying nonstop. Sometimes, this isn’t possible due to flight availability or pricing, but if you can, get nonstop flights.
Frequent fliers know that the less time you have to deal with flying, switching planes, being in the airport, takeoff and landing, etc, the better. Trust me on that one.
2. Fly Mid-Day Or Overnight
For shorter flights, I recommend trying to fly during naptime. You can wear your kids out at the airport before the flight, and then they can nap on the plane during their regularly scheduled nap time.
It’s a win-win for everyone. You get to have a more relaxing flight with the little ones sleeping, and they get to sleep away the majority of the flight. You may be sacrificing Day 1 of your trip, but it’s worth it for the ease of the travel time.
For long-haul flights, it’s a great idea to fly overnight. Chances are strong that everyone will be able to get much needed shut-eye for most of the flight. Then you are all able to enjoy the start of your vacation much more refreshed.
3. Purchase Advanced Seat Selection
Many airlines nowadays will seat you with your minor children even if you haven’t chosen your seats, but unless you lock in your seats beforehand, there is no guarantee that you will be next to your children on your flight.
And expecting other people to switch seats with you so you can sit together isn’t fair to the people who purchased specific seats.
So absolutely, without question, select your seats when purchasing your flights. Yes, you likely will have to pay more to select your seats, but as their parents, it’s your responsibility to make sure your kids are next to you on the plane.
4. Explain What They Can Expect
A super simple but effective way to ease your kids into flying for the first time is to just talk to them.
Talk about going on vacation, about all the fun things you’re going to do there, about how nice the weather is going to be, about the cool foods you get to try.
Get excited about going on an airplane, and tell them about seeing all the airplanes out the windows at the airport. Show them airplanes in the sky as they pass overhead when you’re outside and how cool it’s going to be when you all are on one together.
Kids take their cues from you, so be excited and enthusiastic. Let them know what to expect at the airport, about going through some lines, about dropping off your luggage, and how you’ll all get your own special bags to bring on the plane, full of fun things to do while flying.
Let them know airports are really big and there will be lots of people and new things to see. Help them understand that once you’re on the airplane, they’ll have to stay in their seats, but they can watch movies, or play games, or read books.
The more you prepare them mentally for all the new sights, sounds, and smells that they’re about to be experience, the less likely it is that they will be overwhelmed and overstimulated, and the easier time you’ll have guiding them through it all.
5. Pack The Essentials In The Carry-Ons
There are certain things that you can’t bring in your carry-on, everyone knows this. But many people are unsure of which things you absolutely should bring in your carry-on. Here’s my list of carry-on essentials:
Passport/Travel Documents
This one goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway. Make sure you have your passport and all necessary travel documentation in your carry-on!
This is also a no-brainer. Never put cash, credit cards, or other valuables in your checked bags. Always keep it on your person, or in your carry-on bag.
A book is always a good idea to have on hand for while you’re on the plane or waiting in the airport. Whether it be a paperback or an ebook, having one with you is a great way to pass some time.
Make sure your little ones have a favorite book or two in their bag too.
I always throw headphones in our carry-ons for use on the plane. A lot of the times you can purchase a pair from the flight attendants, but it’s not always a guarantee, so we strongly recommend bringing your own pair.
They make lots of fun kid-friendly headphones too, so let your little ones pick their own one out.
My favorite headphones are these noise-cancelling ones.
Sleeping Masks
Depending on the time and duration of your flight, you very well may want to get some shut-eye. And hopefully your kids do!
Throw a sleep mask in your carry-on for everyone to catch up on some z’s on the plane.
Snacks are absolutely an essential item to bring in your carry-ons. The selection on airplanes isn’t always what you’re looking for, so do yourself a favor and pack a couple of your favorite munchies.
You can either bring them from home or purchase them in the airport before your flight. Let the kids pick out their own snacks so you know it’ll be stuff they’re going to want to eat.
Depending on where you’re going and when, that sun is potentially going to be blinding when you step off that plane. Bring sunglasses for everyone, and I recommend to even bring a spare in case you break or lose the first one.
A Change Of Clothes
In the off chance your luggage gets lost or delayed, you absolutely are going to want to have a change of clothes for everyone.
Not to mention the fact that with kids, spills happen. Puke happens. Save yourself a headache and bring a spare set of clothes for everyone.
Depending on your destination, you may also want to throw in a bathing suit and pair of sandals for everyone as well, or just wear them under your clothes. That way, even if something does happen to your luggage and you don’t have all your clothes, you can all still enjoy the pool when you arrive at your hotel or resort.
Your kids are going to need plenty of things to keep them occupied on the flight itself and in the airport before hand. So make sure they have a few toys and activities like coloring books and a box of crayons.
Remember when you’re flying with kids to leave the loud toys at home – the musical instruments and electronic toys that you can’t plug headphones into. The other passengers on the plane may not be as impressed with your toddlers impressions of rock legends as you are. Instead opt for toys like dolls, figurines, and cars.
Any prescription medications that you or your kids take regularly, be sure to put in your bag. You also should bring other medications like Tylenol, ibuprofen, cold and allergy meds, etc.
Diapers and Wipes
If your kids are young enough to still be in diapers, bring plenty. More than you think you’ll need. Chances are you won’t go through them all, but if for some reason your flights get delayed like ours did heading to Alaska, you’ll be very grateful you came prepared.
And even if your kids aren’t in diapers, bring a package of wipes for sticky hands or spills, or anything else that may require a quick wipe down.
Any electronics that you are bringing on vacation go in your carry-on. Whether it’s your phone, laptop, e-reader, tablet, or anything else, make sure it’s in your carry-on and not your checked bag.
6. Pack Light
For a long time, I would go on vacation and pack like we were moving there for a month. You should’ve seen the amount of luggage we would drag around!
We would go on vacation and by the end of it we’d still have an entire large suitcase filled with completely untouched toys, clothes, and books. What a waste of time and energy!
It took my husband and me many years before we figured out that our kids don’t actually need every toy they own to come on vacation with us. Or every book. Or multiple coloring books and a hundred crayons.
In fact, when flying with kids, less is more.
Do yourself an enormous favor and pack as light as possible. Bring enough clothes for every day, plus a couple extra sets. And bring only enough entertainment items as fits in the carry-on bag.
Anything more than that is a waste to be lugging around with you.
7. Prepare All Devices
Pull aside all electronics that you may be using on your trip. Phones, tablets, laptops, e-readers, bluetooth headphones, smart watches, cameras, etc. Also grab all chargers associated with those devices.
Download any specific content you want to your devices at home. Airport and airplane wifi might not be available, or reliable enough to be able to download content, so don’t take the risk.
Charge everything the day before you leave. Put them all in your carry-on either the night before, or the morning of your trip.
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Tips For At The Airport
8. Bring Your Stroller
If your kids are young enough to be in a stroller then absolutely bring yours! It corrals your child while you’re moving through the airport, easing your mind if you happen to have a runner.
You can easily gate-check your stroller right before you board, and then you just grab it again at the door right when you get off the plane.
9. Give Them Their Own Carry-on

One trick that seasoned parents know, is to give your kids a special job. Giving them a way to feel included is a fantastic way to keep them focused instead of bored.
If they have their own special carry-on filled with all their own toys, activities, and snacks, they’re going to feel grown up and be excited about the trip.
On one of our recent family vacations we flew to Coconut Bay in St. Lucia, and my son loved being responsible for his own bag.
I gave you a general carry-on packing list above, but for the kids, all they need is a couple toys, a book or two, headphones, and some snacks.
10. Use Brightly Colored Luggage
If you check bags, my best tip is to get highly recognizable luggage, whether you’re flying with kids or not. A bright color, a bold print, anything that is going to stand out for you at the luggage terminal is going to be a good idea.
You can turn it into a game for your little ones too : “Who can spot the bags first?”.
If you have standard luggage, tie brightly colored strips of fabric or ribbons around the handles so you can easily distinguish your bags from everyone else’s.
And of course, always check the luggage tags to make sure you’re grabbing your own!
11. Tire Them Out
At the airport waiting to board is the time to get out all that pent up energy the kids may have. Take nice long walks, let them crawl around, or find a play area where they can run and climb.
When you’re flying with kids, you should let them get out as much energy as possible before the flight. They’ll be better behaved, and more likely to sleep on the plane.
There are so many things you can do at the airport so you’re not bored. Between playing games, listening to music, having a dance party, playing I Spy, and just plain old people watching, you’ll be able to keep them occupied.
The key is to let them get out their energy now, so they’re not restless on the plane later.
12. Board Last
Hear me out! Taking my tip number 11 into consideration, you want your kids to get out as much energy as possible before they get on the plane. You also want to spend as little time coupled up on the plane as possible.
So, even if you’re in one of the earlier boarding groups, resist the urge to get on the plane right away.
By getting on the plane towards the end, you are maximizing the amount of time your kids have to release their energy, while simultaneously minimizing the amount of time you’ll be on the plane.
13. Take Bathroom Breaks
As parents, we know that kids tend to need to use the bathroom at the most inconvenient times, and they need to go RIGHT NOW. So be proactive about bathroom breaks.
Take them before you get into the check-in line, the security line, and before you board the plane. You also are going to want to take them to use the bathroom (or change diapers) about 20-30 minutes before the plane lands as well.
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Tips For On The Plane

14. Prep For Takeoff And Landing
During takeoff and landing you can’t use electronics, your seats have to be upright, and your tray tables have to be stowed.
You also can’t get up to use the bathroom. (Hence the tip earlier about taking the kids to the bathroom right before boarding, and about a half hour before landing.)
So at these points, make sure your kids have access to a few of their non-electronic entertainment options to keep them occupied.
You also want to prep them about their ears feeling funny so they don’t get scared. Tell them that they just need to take a sip of a drink or have a lollipop to make it go away.
Gum, lollipops, drinks, a bottle, etc are all great options for easing the ear-popping, depending on their ages, of course.
If you’re breastfeeding, latch your baby on to you, and that will ease the pressure for them.
15. Have Entertainment Options
Depending on your airline, you may have included in-flight entertainment, which is great. If not, you’re going to want to bring a tablet or laptop so the littles can watch something.
Depending on the length of your flight, a movie or two may be all you need to keep everyone occupied. And since you listened to Tip #7, you will have plenty of downloaded content at your disposal already.
You also need to have non-electronic entertainment options, which as you know, will be useful during takeoff and landing, and for when the kids just don’t want to look at a screen.
16. Bring Snacks
All parents know the dangers of hangry children. Bring plenty of snacks for everyone, but be sure to limit the sugars. No one wants to be stuck on a plane with a sugar-high child.
When flying with kids, it’s a good idea to let the kids pick their own snacks, but be sure to have them keep it to things like goldfish, cheese sticks, bagels with cream cheese, beef jerky, deli meats, fruit, etc.
You can bring stuff from home, or purchase snacks in the airport.
17. Fill In All Arrival Forms
Depending on your destination, you may have arrival forms that need to be filled out. These could include customs forms, health questionnaires, or any number of documentation required by your location.
To make things easier on everyone, fill out all available forms while you are still on the plane. If you wait to fill them out in the airport, you run the risk of the kids getting antsy and making everything way more stressful than it needs to be.
Tips For At Your Destination
18. Try To Stick To Their Schedule
On vacation it is expected that schedules get thrown to the side. But if you can keep to a somewhat regular routine, it will be a much easier transition for your kids and for you.
Even if it’s sticking to your morning or bedtime rituals, or keeping naptime regular, anything you can do to keep things familiar for your kids will help.
19. Stick To Bottled Water (If Traveling Internationally)
If you are traveling internationally, it’s generally a good idea to stick to bottled water. Traveler’s diarrhea is a real thing, and it sometimes stems from bacteria in tap water or on foods washed in tap water.
Sometimes you even want to go so far as to brush your teeth only using bottled water as well.
You also want to keep in mind that ice may be made from tap water, and non-cooked foods like salads, may have been washed in tap water.
So look into your destination to see if this is something you should be taking into consideration.
20. Prep Them For The Return Flight
In much the same way that you prepared them for the flight to your destination you’re going to want to prepare your kids again for the flight back home.
This time flying with kids should go a little more smoothly, because they already will know what to expect.
But again, remind them about the expectations you have for them in the airport and on the plane, and what they can expect as far as the lines at the airport, and the airplane itself.
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With these tips I hope you feel more prepared for your flight with your kids. Make sure you subscribe so you can stay up to date with all my latest travel tips, tricks, and reviews!